City of Camarillo


A Special Event Permit should be filed with the Department of Community Development at least five(5) days prior to the start of filming. Special Event Permits will not be issued for any activity that conflicts with the City of Camarillo Municipal Code, and no person shall operate, conduct or maintain any business or operation which is in conflict with the Camarillo Municipal Code. Plot/Site indicate the location of the event and include the following: The plans should be accurately drawn on an 8½”x 11” page format and must be complete before the application can be accepted for consideration. Address and location of site with nearest cross street. Entrances and exits existing structure(s). Location of recycling and trash containers. All temporary buildings, tents, equipment, portable restrooms, public address systems, rides and attractions, generators, and appurtenances which area part of the event. (Please note that an encroachment permit will be required for any items that will be located in the public right -of -way). Minimum REQUIRED contacts for permitting and FEES ($) Each agency/division has separate permitting and fees:City of Camarillo Community Development Department –805.388.5372 (Laura Fox),City of Camarillo Finance Department/Business Tax Division –805.388.5330, Ventura County Fire Department Filming Inspector –805.947.8535 (Lori Ross) For unincorporated areas: Film Permit Coordinator at the County of Ventura 805.654.2406 City of Camarillo Special Event Permit Application -$305 fee –unless a student (if so, must provide proper verification from film school that applicant is an enrollee and that this is a student film project.) ($1,740 fee IF City Council approval is required.)Insurance certificate AND endorsement form naming the City of Camarillo as “Additional Insured with Primary Insurance” working (sample available). (Application & Insurance Sample available on the City’s website Forms / Community Development) Plot plan / site plan indicating location of all vehicles, generators, areas of shooting, etc. for each site used for filming/parking/etc. Notification letter to surrounding uses/properties of dates/times/impacts of filming (500’ radius). Property Owner(s)/management company(ies)/business owner(s) permission required for each property being used. Other documents and FEES that may be required (determined by application) Encroachment permit, Police services (security, traffic control, simulated fire arms, etc.), Traffic control plan



(805) 388.5360
Click for website





Camarillo City Hall, 601 Carmen Dr, Camarillo, CA 93010, USA


Community Development

(805) 388-5360


If you don't know where to start or have questions, we'd be happy to answer your questions!

Bill Bartels
